Finally i get to meet up with my beloved ex-colleague from Aamer Architects. Although the days was tough over there, but I still feel that kind of bonding there> I met up with Dana first because Zhengping has last minute meeting , after that Mengqing reached and the three hungy girls went into CEDELE because we have been starving since lunch =).
I really miss them (sampat gang), and glad that we still can have reunion even though so hardly meet up. Satisfied and happy!!!

Dana & Mengqing with their new hair

The Charlie's Angels =) ( title given by Jasni)

My cannot-make-it Green Tea Latte and Dana's Hazelnut.

She likes the Hazelnut but not mine =(

Look at her happy face with the food auahuaa

My dish-Lemon butter salmon which is ok only i give it 6.5 out of 10

Our appetizer-Fried Chicken Wing which is quite nice!!

The four Musketeers lacking of one (Kanin-the Thai excolleague).Its ok we will definitely have another gathering Kanin since our story havent tell finished yet *grin*

Look at his face while listening to Dana's story.

She was so excited when telling us the story =) Funny girl!!JB Ah lian!!auauhaa

After meal we went to Starbucks for dessert and drink. Chocolate chip Frappucino.Starbucks has never disappoint me!!

Warm chocolate lava cake. It is not as nice as I thought,shall giv the cakes a miss next time.

The two happy girls with the boss who treated us the Starbucks. Thanks ZP!!=)

Last shot while rushing to take cab.
Thanks guys for meeting up with me!! Im so happy and really enjoyed myself tonight!! Meet up againafter my Penang trip k? We still got so many stories to tell....cant finish it in a nite haha
Tomorrow Im so excited to see Jingwen(my friend from Penang. We will have another Pinghua reunion dinner yay......looking forward to it!!
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