This holiday is certainly memorable.. From the met up with Yuvi my dear friend which I havent meet for almost 5years , and also got to know her frens like Evo,Keeven ,Andrew and a lot more friendly people. They really cheer up my holiday as they are very entertaining, apart from that they are really a good host. I really appreciated their company , even though they are so tired after work but still wanted to show us around. Special thanks to Evolin too our "tao you" haha as in "tour guide " in chinses who willing to brg and acc us to eat ard Sydney woohoo.There is always laughter in the house with them , miss the gossiping time with them too.T
he karaoke session is one of the highlight of the trip , as we did get high even without alcohol in the room until we are warned not to step up into the sofa haha.
Another memorable and crazy thing we did is the party at their house where there is only 5 of us , even better then being VIP at Zouk or MOS ( one of the most popular club in Singapore). With the amateur DJ Yuvi who only needs to spin a few songs to gain her professional reputation ;P we certainly loose control and enjoyed ourselves pretty much. No rules, no shame and no thin skin among ourselves , just be yourself , thats e motto of our partyyyy!!!Its FUN X FUN X FUN!!!ENJOY the pics...exclusif to the visitors THE INSIDE SHOTS

Me and Evo... our "tao you"

DJ Yuvi is in e house yeah!!!Not bad amateur but know how to remix!!Mai xiao xiao worr!!

Cant afford a bartender , the DJ has to serve drinks as well...UNDERPAID DJ!!HAHA

The indo version oh "Pussycat Dolls" babeh

The unleashed sides haha

The yoga pose but looks more like pangsai pose haha

All were drunk.....

So we all slept at 5am in the morning ,supposed to wake up early the next day to do i-duno-wad , but didnt manage to wake up. Cant seem ti get enuf of it so we decided to head down to BamBoo to club the next day but it was closed , so continued with Korean food and syoju for supper.

The appetizers with syoju


The Kimchi pancake is soo yummy

Seafood Dinner...omg the food is so nice that we finished one whole fish including the HEAD and TAIL . The waiter got shocked and speak in Canto with his colleagues " This table abit too Enthusiastic"wakaka . I think its hilarious man !!!!

Guess whats inside??

Look at Her Reaction!!!!

Look at her reaction too!!!

Its THIS!!!! HAHA the 1st reaction i have when look at it also the same as them !!! The Big Breast Chef haha!!!! Totally creative!!!
Apart from that, we also met Lionel in Sydney and he followed us back here for further holiday.
We arranged a potluck in our house to get him to know our regular custom here in Tazzy , as you know this deserted place have nowhere to hang out except our house!!! How miserable it sounds but its ok we are creative people supposed to be able to self entertaining hahaha!!!
For more potluck pics pls refer to our facebook yah under potluck album by Esther Chan be continued..
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